(OLF News, March 17, 2009) OLF News correspondent reported from Oromia that the fascist TPLF soldiers in Eastern Oromia who are dispatched to harass the Oromo people by an alleged charge of feeding the Oromo Liberation Army have killed a farmer known as Mohammed Aliyyii in the district of Bookee at a place known as Dommisaa by shooting him with several bullets.
The report added that two more Oromos, one of tem known as Sulxaan, and the other unknown for now are abducted by the forces of the regime and their where about is still unknown. More over, an Oromo individual whose name is Umar Husen is abducted in the district of Ciroo at a place known as Bosoqaa and his where about is unknown.
Further more, in the Ciroo town, several people are being abducted and their where about is unknown. Among them is an Oromo person whose name is Abaadir Hamza.
At this moment, an all out operation of arrest and harassment of Oromos is continuously going on in the entire Harargee. Several Oromos, particularly Oromo students are being arrested and tortured.
OLF News